Tom's Golf Center
8000 72nd Lane SE
Olympia, WA 98513
(360) 493-1000
Driving Directions:
From I-5 North:
Take exit 109.
Turn right at the light.
Turn left on College St. Proceed to Yelm Hwy.
Turn left on Yelm Hwy and proceed approx. 4 miles to Spurgeon Creek Rd.
Turn Right on Spurgeon Creek Rd.
The entrance is 1/4 mile on right. Watch for sign.
From I-5 South:
Take the College St. Exit.
Turn right on College St.
Proceed to Yelm Hwy.
Turn left on Yelm Hwy.
Proceed approx. 4 miles to Spurgeon Creek Rd.
Turn right on Spurgeon Creek Rd.
Entrance is 1/4 mile on right. Watch for sign.
OR Use Map Quest Below.
8000 72nd Lane SE